Agreement of Verb with Subject Worksheets
Posted on: octobre 6, 2021, by : admin

Agreement of Verb with Subject Worksheets: A Step-by-Step Guide

The correct agreement of verb with subject is essential to ensure the clarity and coherence of your writing. This means that the verb should match the number and person of the subject in a sentence. The good news is that there are a variety of worksheets available that focus specifically on this topic.

The following guide provides a step-by-step approach to tackling these worksheets:

Step 1: Identify the subject and the verb

The first step in checking your agreement of verb with subject is to identify the subject and verb in the sentence. The subject is typically the noun or pronoun that is doing the action, while the verb is the action itself.

For example, in the sentence, “The cat sleeps on the couch,” the subject is “cat” and the verb is “sleeps.”

Step 2: Identify the number and person of the subject

Once you have identified the subject and verb, it is time to determine the number and person of the subject. Number refers to whether the subject is singular or plural, while person refers to whether the subject is first (I, we), second (you), or third (he, she, it, they) person.

For instance, in the sentence, “The cats sleep on the couch,” the subject is “cats,” which is plural, while the verb remains “sleeps” if the subject is singular.

Step 3: Determine the correct verb form

After you have identified the number and person of the subject, it is time to choose the correct verb form. This means selecting the verb that matches the subject in both number and person.

For instance, in the sentence, “She walks to the store,” the singular third-person subject “she” matches the singular third-person verb “walks.”

Step 4: Practice, practice, practice!

The best way to improve your grasp of verb and subject agreement is to practice frequently. There are numerous worksheets available online that provide a range of exercises for learners at different levels of proficiency.

These worksheets usually offer a variety of tasks such as fill-in-the-blank exercises, matching exercises, and sentence building activities. By completing these worksheets, you can enhance your understanding of the rules of verb and subject agreement and identify common mistakes to avoid.

In conclusion, correct verb and subject agreement is crucial to effective writing. By following these steps and practicing regularly, you can improve your writing skills and communicate your ideas more clearly. Remember, the key to success is in the details!