Covid 19 Agreement Form
Posted on: juillet 26, 2023, by : admin

The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted our lives in many ways, including the way businesses operate. In order to ensure the safety of their employees and customers, many companies have introduced COVID-19 agreements that employees and customers must sign before entering the premises or using their services. In this article, we will discuss what these agreements entail and why they are important.

What is a COVID-19 Agreement Form?

A COVID-19 agreement form is a legal document that outlines the safety measures that businesses are taking to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and the responsibilities of their employees and customers to adhere to these measures. It includes information on mask-wearing, social distancing, hand hygiene, and other safety protocols that the business is implementing.

Why Are COVID-19 Agreement Forms Important?

COVID-19 agreement forms are critical to the safety of both employees and customers. By signing the agreement, employees and customers are acknowledging that they understand the safety measures that the business is implementing and are agreeing to comply with them. This not only protects themselves from contracting the virus but also protects others around them.

In addition, COVID-19 agreement forms can help businesses defend against any potential liability claims if an employee or customer contracts the virus on their premises. By having a signed agreement in place, businesses can demonstrate that they took all the necessary steps to prevent the spread of the virus and that the individual who contracted the virus did not follow the safety protocols that were in place.

What Should COVID-19 Agreement Forms Include?

COVID-19 agreement forms should include clear and concise language that outlines the safety protocols that the business is implementing, as well as the responsibilities of employees and customers to adhere to these protocols. The agreement should include the following elements:

1. Statement of Purpose: The agreement should begin with a statement of purpose that outlines why the agreement is being implemented and the goal of the safety protocols.

2. Safety Protocols: The agreement should clearly outline the safety protocols that the business is implementing, including mask-wearing, social distancing, hand hygiene, and other measures that are in place.

3. Responsibilities of Employees: The agreement should outline the responsibilities of employees to adhere to the safety protocols and report any symptoms of COVID-19.

4. Responsibilities of Customers: The agreement should outline the responsibilities of customers to adhere to the safety protocols and report any symptoms of COVID-19.

5. Liability Waiver: The agreement should include a liability waiver that acknowledges the risks associated with COVID-19 and releases the business from any liability claims related to the virus.


COVID-19 agreement forms are an important tool for businesses to ensure the safety of their employees and customers during the pandemic. By clearly outlining the safety protocols and the responsibilities of employees and customers, businesses can protect themselves from liability claims and demonstrate that they are taking all the necessary steps to prevent the spread of the virus. As we continue to navigate the pandemic, COVID-19 agreement forms will remain an important part of our daily lives.